Admission Counseling

Getting right student in right course in right college is what we focus on , understanding your career goals, interests, and strengths/weaknesses are critical factors that must be taken into consideration when planning your future. Our approach to education is unique in that our main focus is to understand and identify each student’s individual talents, needs, and preferences before making any recommendations regarding their educational path or career.

You will be asked to complete an assessment form and a short counseling session in our office. The assessment profile will encompass your academic background, course and college preferences, work experience, extra-curricular activities, financial capacity, and future career goals, while the psychometric test will help identify your strengths and weaknesses in certain areas.

Our experienced counselors will then discuss with you your career aspirations at length, including what professions you are interested in and where/how you would like to be ultimately positioned 5-10 years from the present.